WindanSea Executive Committee Meeting 21/05/2020

31 May 2020 by WindanSea Admin

Moffat Beach Open 12.08pm
Attendees Executive Committee Terry, Mick, Bec, Tim, David, Joe, Murray 
Club House Committee Gary and Matt

Please read minutes from Club House Subcommittee and motions the executive are asked to move
WindanSea Boardriders’ Club  

30 May 2020 from 2.00 pm-3.30 pm 
Moffat Beach Park 
Don Smith; Brad Williams: Terry Landsberg: Gary O’Donnell; David Cover; Matt Hadland: Col O’Brien 
Murray Johnson (Observer) 
APOLOGIES: Mark Tibbett; Bryan Warner; Roger Todd 

Item 1:       
Recommendations for Chairperson & Secretary of the Clubhouse 

Subcommittee for the WindanSea Boardriders’ Club: 

That the following persons be endorsed for each respective role:
 Chairperson   Don Smith 
 Secretary Col O’Brien 
Moved: Gary O’Donnell 
Seconded: Brad Williams 
Outcome: Motion accepted 7 votes in favour and 0 votes against.  
Item 2:          
Because of the significant donations already made to WindanSea by Harcourts Realty and Integral Homes, it is recommended that the WindanSea Boardriders’ Club Executive Committee grant them Platinum Sponsorship status. 
Moved: Terry Landsberg 
Seconded: David Cover 
Outcome: Motion accepted 7 votes in favour and 0 votes against.  
 Terry Landsberg left the meeting while we moved on to discuss Item 3 

Item 3: Cost of our defence of the Clubhouse in the Planning Court 
Motion: It is estimated that the cost of a Barrister and Expert Witnesses (Town Planner; Traffic Engineer; Landscape Architect; Acoustic Engineer; and, Social Planner) for our defence against the issues raised by the Appellants in the Planning Court would be around $106 000. Due to the generosity of our Barrister and those Expert Witnesses approached to act for our defence, and, due to the free services of Brad Williams to support our Town Planner, those costs will be reduced to approximately $36 000. We already have $22 000 set aside to meet those costs through donations and pledges. It is anticipated that we will raise the remaining $14 000 of the estimated costs for our defence through further donations and pledges. In the event that we do not raise all of that additional $14 000, it is recommended that the WindanSea Boardriders’ Club Executive Committee approve the covering of these costs. 
Moved: Garry O’Donnell 
Seconded: Matt Hadland 
Outcome: Motion accepted 6 votes in favour and 0 votes against. 
Terry Landsberg re-joined the meeting which then closed 

Col O’Brien 
Clubhouse Subcommittee 
WindanSea Boardriders’ Club 

Motion 1 
To endorse Don Smith as chairman of the subcommittee by Joe seconded Mick –unanimous
To endorse Col O Brien as secretary of the subcommittee by Mick seconded Murray –unanimous

The committee wants to recognise the ongoing support of both Luke and Cath Carter Harcourt’s Caloundra and Murray Reilly Integral Homes, these people have been long time major sponsors of the Pa Ma Bendall and supporters of the club and will continue to be so into the future, Luke and Kath have helped with the fighting fund and Murray will be in charge of the construction of the building under his licence once its approved thanks on behalf of WindanSea Boardriders

Motion 2
Grant Platinum Sponsorship to Harcourt’s Caloundra and Integral Homes by Bec seconded Mick – unanimous

Motion 3 
Approve the use of extra funds if needed to help the fighting Fund from the WindanSea Account
By Joe seconded Murray – unanimous
Murray and Gary gave a rundown of the previous meeting they attended as per minutes above, Gary has thousands of dollars of memorabilia from Bushy that if needed he could sell to help the fight. They believe we will be able to raise the money without hopefully having to use any more club funds as it’s only been two weeks and we nearly have enough and once we ask more people the funds will continue to come in .we can’t give up now after all the effort from everyone  
The cost to the appellants is well over $150K 3 people have already dropped out on their side, we are lucky we have so many people offer their services for free or at a reduced rate and we believe they won’t be in the same situation with all the services they require 
Fighting fund has been set up for only couple of weeks and we nearly have $24000, thanks to everyone who has supported so far, please see the brochure on Team App asking for assistance from Members and Friends
Joe advised us we are lucky to have people like Don Smith and Brad Williams who are putting so much time and effort into fighting the decision, along with everyone else who has helped over the last seven years, the committee agreed and I’m sure members would too, well done and thanks 
Close 12.50pm

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